Balanced System Background Information

Presentations from a range of conferences and key meetings featuring the Balanced System and Marie Gascoigne's work with commissioners and providers  

Overview of the Balanced System® - this provides an outline of the model and its origination based on Marie Gascoigne's work with over 30 Local Authority and CCG / ICB areas since 2007. 

The system includes some high level self assessment tools, outcomes based on the Five Strands and a range of outcome measures linked to these.  We are please to be able to provide free access to the Balanced System® Baseline Evaluation and Balanced System® Detailed Evaluation tools which form the initial stages of the Balanced System® improvement cycle.  These can be accessed here

An early version of the whole system audit from 2013 can be downloaded here 

The original presentation to NAPLIC 2008 can be downloaded here

The Balanced System® High Level Outcomes summary can be downloaded here

A blank scoping document is available to download here

Achieving Balanced System® Outcomes for children and young people in a changing context

Slides from the first of a series of online workshops to support colleagues in response to the Covid-19 pandemic

Download here

Balanced System Pathway for SLCN - demo and launch animation

The following powerpoint presentations provide examples of the framework and tools in practice

RCSLT conference 2017

RCOT conference 2018

Gascoigne(2018) The Balanced System® for Allied Health Professional Working in Scotland: a pilot project to explore the impact of understanding need and mapping provision 

RCSLT conference 2019

Leicester, Derby and Nottingham Early Outcomes Fund

LinkLive Conference, 2021 Supporting children and young people with SLCN in schools: taking a whole system approach